The Scintilla of life: Writing (Why you should blog?)

“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” – William Wordsworth

Over the course of my life, I've embraced a number of different hobbies: stamp collecting, video games, table tennis, art, just to name a few. But none of them brought me as much satisfaction as the act of blogging. In almost too many ways to count, it has truly changed me and the way I live my life.

In fact, so much so, that blogging has become my hobby and via Scintilla Weekly, I encourage my friends to embrace it too. I started blogging as a personal tool to journal the changes that we were making as we began minimizing our possessions. But somewhere along the line, it became less about me writing the story and more about the story changing me. And while there are many articles written about why you should blog to grow your business or become an expert or make a whole bunch of money… the best recommendations are still found in the personal realization that blogging changes you – the writer.

Consider these 12 thoughts on how blogging will impact your life:
1. You’ll become a better writer.

2. You’ll become a better thinker.

3. You’ll live a more intentional life.

4. You’ll develop an eye for meaningful things.

5. It’ll lead to healthier life habits.

6. You’ll meet new people.

7. You’ll inspire others.

8. You’ll become more well-rounded in your mindset.

9. You’ll become more comfortable being known.

10. You’ll become more confident.

11. You’ll find a platform to recommend.

12. It’s quite a rush with every positive comment.

Remember, you don’t need to blog as a means to get rich or as a means to gather a huge following. You don’t even need to blog as a means to change the Internet… the change that a blog will cause in your life is reason enough.

-Vivek Venkatram
Founder & Publisher, Scintilla Weekly

2 Responses so far.

  1. afresh in blogging... a rejuvenation of feelings,a penchant for writing... and an ecstatic start... loving it

  2. VC says:

    Hi, you all have brought up an amazing platform for all of us. Thank you for your motivation. We will extend our support in all ways we can. Keep up this good work.

    Vishnu Chandrasenan

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