Week 21- India vs Silicon Valley

Technology. One word that has transformed our lives to an immeasurable extent. Be it referring to course material, be it gift shopping for your best friend or be it booking tickets for your honeymoon. It all is now present on a world wide platform. Credits? Technology. The earliest and the most widespread technological 'virality' took place in Silicon Valley, a just-another-place to a Grand Techno hub in Northern California. Now, where was India during this advancement, might be your query. A country with the most number of engineering pass-outs and one of the most efficient IQ levels in Engineers simply couldn't catch up? Blame it on? I would like to reflect a point that India does have a high, or rather one of the highest prospects to beat the likes of Silicon Valley. The only place where we lose it all is the mentality of being the slaves of the USA and the UK. It all needs a change of thinking, a change of mentality, a change of attitude, and we can soon, very soon change the equation to (India > Silicon Valley). Signing off here, with a hope, a vision, a sudden boost of confidence and morale, that one day India would no longer be the slave, but a master in Disguise.

-A.K.S. (Writer of the Week)
SE, SIES Graduate School of Technology, Navi Mumbai

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